Apr 18, 2014

Pay with PayPal in OTM and more!

Version 6.5 of the Online Translation Manager (OTM) from LSP.net will be released by the end of the month with a number of important changes related to invoicing. The least of these is the convenient option to include a PayPal button in the PDF documents generated for invoices, partial invoices and payment requests and delivered by e-mail.

Documents with a PayPal button include a text above the button in the language of the invoice, which explains how payment works using the button. These messages can be customized in each customer communication language.

A PayPal button and explanatory text in a German PDF invoice created with OTM 6.5
When the button is clicked, a PayPal payment page opens in the appropriate language. Customers with a PayPal account can then log in and pay with their PayPal balance, or payment can be made by credit card without the need to register with PayPal.

The PayPal payment page in German for invoice no. SPRPDE1401100198
The payment information includes the OTM invoice or payment request number.

Other features, such as fast payment discounts offered, are also supported and verified with the OTM server. This "one click" jump from the PDF invoice to the payment site is one of the many innovative conveniences which distinguish OTM as a legally and fiscally sound alternative to much of the competition.

Other changes in the new version include improvements in the support for alternative invoicing addresses and, most importantly, inclusion of reverse charge taxation notices for VAT in the EU in the required language, which has become a bit of a nightmare for those who forget to include these notices in billing and are reminded somewhat rudely in a tax audit.

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